Andrew’s Story

There are many different methods to tell your story, your life’s journey. Oral, visual, written, and now a days there’s digital storytelling. This is how Andrew expressed his story. A poem by Andrew.  

Violetta’s Story

Hi, my name is Violetta When I first came to Winnipeg I was pregnant. Thrive  was one of my first places to go for social places. One of my first classes with the centre was Prenatal. Shortly afterwards I was introduced to the basic needs supplies program. As a newcomer, I was very appreciative of…

Nina’s Story

I’ve struggled with mental illness all of my life. Eventually, it led to more and more problems. Comorbid disorders, I believe they call it. Doctors said it was something that would simply pass. Oh, how I wish they were right. Throughout the years I would go in and out of treatments with many doctors, counsellors,…

Sunshine’s Story

To start off, I am a mother of four beautiful children and wonderful children. I’ll say it’s been quite the journey, and I have been through so many ups and downs, no matter what those things were. I am still here breathing and able to talk about it. Thrive has been a huge part of…

Marina’s Story

When I came to Thrive last spring, I was at the lowest point of my life. I had lost all will to live and had made a series of plans to end my life. In working with my doctor, my local representative and Thrive’s therapist, I was introduced to Thrive and their holistic, multidimensional modes…

Amy’s Story

In the summer of 2012, I returned to Winnipeg from the reserve. I was 4 months pregnant and not employed. I began to job search. Well, I didn’t have luck finding a job. As soon as I told them I was pregnant I was not considered for the position I applied for. I didn’t experience…

Teddy’s Story

Hi. My name is Adoar. People called me Teddy. This place has really helped me. Helped me quit drinking. The services are good, I didn’t realize till about 2 and a half years later I didn’t drink. I stayed sober. My friend would ask me to go drink and I would say I can’t, because…

Sean’s Story

I’m 44 yrs old and I’m clean now. I want to start by telling you how I became this man. I now understand how my anger, low self-esteem and wanting to be normal opened the door for addiction and created a person I was not. As far back as I can remember, I knew I…

Chelsea’s Story

If you’ve been to the Thrive Thrift Shop in the past year, you’ve most definitely seen a bubbly person with a smiley face behind the cash register desk. Chelsea has been with Thrive for over a year, first as a volunteer, then as a paid cashier. “I started volunteering at Thrive Thrift Shop because I…

Addie’s Story

Addie Schlamp is in her 90s, and has been volunteering with Thrive for over 10 years! “I first got involved with the shop the day I walked in with my friend Barb,” explains Addie.  “They needed someone to work on Saturdays so I started to do that and the occasional Wednesday. It was definitely something…

Phyllis & Margie’s Stories

Phyllis started work in the warehouse part of the Thrive Thrift Shop, sorting and pricing items. Margie joined a little later. Whether on their own, or as a team, they have been amazing volunteers. For instance, when the shop was running short of plastic bags Phyllis and Margie canvassed some of the large stores in…